Friday, April 16, 2021

140 Months

      The other day I had a friend venting to me all about her teenage daughter. Their unsuccessful shopping experience, reading books that are too "old" for her, and websites she should not be on were on her list. She said "Be glad you get to "skip" over this with boys." I know she would have never said that to me if she knew about Lola but still it stung.  I would love to be able to argue with Lola about clothes, boys, or whatever it maybe. Sometimes when we are dealing with unpleasant issues, that is all we focus on...Not the fact that we are lucky to be able disagree with our kids or even have bad days with them. I am guilty of that too. Then conversations like this remind me what we are missing out on, what Lola is missing out on. It really makes you stop and think...everyday is a gift, even every disagreement or growing pain is a gift in disguise.


The Mother of an Angel