Monday, May 16, 2016

81 months

A week ago was Mother's Day. I love my boys with all my heart but that day never feels complete. It stirs up memories of my first Mother's Day, I sat with JP walking along the beautiful Carmel Beach. It was a sad and lonely day...a reminder of the beautiful girl we lost. That day will always be missing Lola, a reminder of what could and should have been.

I received a text from one of my dear friends on Mother's Day morning "Kim, Happy Mother's Day...I wonder where you will find a penny today." It made me feel so fulfilled and love that she was so confident I would find a penny on that day. Instead of feeling a little lost, I looked forward to that hopeful penny. It turns out, she was right. We found a penny on Mother's Day at our last adventure spot of the day. Milo now shares in the enthusiasm of penny finding and asks to keep them. My friend replied later on... "She truly is with you."

I got my penny from Lola, hand drawn card from Milo and the biggest hug and sloppiest kiss from Finley. ( louie gave me kisses too) I couldn't ask for more love.

I wore my pink scarf for Lola that day. I may just look like a mom with two adorable little boys but I also have a little girl in heaven that I am a Mom to as well. My three little munchkins.

Lots of Love-

The Mother  of an Angel