Wednesday, January 16, 2019

113 Months

Last month I was debating if I would be able able to join my best girlfriends on a NYC holiday trip. Our precious dog Louie was not doing well and I had been at the vet with him just a couple days before I was supposed to  fly out. I was so torn. I felt so bad leaving Louie and giving JP the extra stress of caring for our sick dog. He assured me he had it all under control with his a smile and a hug....I packed last minute and decided to go. Now traveling  kid free is such a strange feeling or to even have time to myself! I actually bought a magazine, it’s really the little things!  We boarded the plane and as I sat down at my aisle seat, I quickly shoved my purse below....and there was a shiny penny right in front of me. What are the chances! I smiled and took a deep breathe. It really was okay to go, see I forgot we have this amazing angel watching over us all the time and I just needed that reminder.

It ended up being an amazing trip. JP held down the fort, and  I even found another penny along the way....
Thank You Lola.

The Mother of an Angel