Thursday, May 16, 2019

117 Months

I used to get random pieces of mail for “Lola Grace Doepke,” it would make your heart sink and smile at the same time. I have not received any mail for her in the last couple years, it’s almost as if they have forgotten her or she never became their “best” customer. As years go by you wonder if people think of her less often too,  just like the mail. I will never forget Lola, I think about her every single day. Her loss stays with me, it’s the  part that never goes away. It could be a song I hear, a butterfly I see, the waves of the ocean, little girls with their moms at pick up.... the daily reminder of what I am missing, Lola. Lola will never be lost or forgotten with me, and who knows when the next random piece of mail will come labeled “Lola.” That piece will make my heart smile.

The Mother of an Angel