Saturday, May 16, 2015

69 Months

It is my last blog entry out of Key West. In just a few weeks our family is taking another adventure to Siesta Key, another place for a new beginning. 2.5 years ago we had our house packed up on Lola's birthday, it was with such mixed emotion to leave the Monterey Peninsula. I truly felt that going to back to the Keys was part of our healing journey and here we are now with a lot of fun memories, new friends and of course Finley. I would say we did well. We have found numerous pennies on this island,have seen some of the most beautiful rainbows and always had butterflies in our backyard. My angel is with us here and wherever we head to next...That is the beauty of this journey.

I could never describe how it is to be a mom of you never go back to the person you once were or how you walk around half the time wondering "what if." I will tell you that this blog has been my experience watching Lola grow up or more us growing up together. We have come so far. I hope she likes Siesta Key and I look forward to reporting my first penny find from there.


A mother of an angel