Sunday, December 16, 2018

112 Months

The new angel ornament for Lola’s tree  this year is simple and beautiful. It’s a silhouette of a small angel with a mirrored reflection hanging from a white elegant ribbon. The white Christmas lights bounce off of it and the reflections of the glass bulbs around it make it shimmer. The pure simplicity of this ornament is my favorite thing. If you get close enough you can even  see yourself in it, and wow how things have changed since Lola left. This angel tree keeps her memory alive and helps us carry on our angel tradition and collection. One day I hope my boys will love it as much as I do....
I still enjoy hanging each ornament that we have received over the past years in her memory and thinking of the person who gave it to us. Some of those people are no longer with us, making it even more special. Merry Christmas to all...

The Mother of an Angel