Monday, February 16, 2015

66 Months

Lately I am amazed at how fast the days go by, there truly is some meaning to the phrase " there are never enough hours in the day." I feel like it was just a week ago when I wrote my last Lola blog and here the 16th has already come and almost gone. Never would this day go by without it being Lola's day to me, that will never change. No matter how much our lives move in fast forward or the mornings quickly become night, I always want to make time for Lola on "her day" and maybe she takes time to make a moment for us too. Like walking into the house after a play date  today and " pennies from heaven" was sounding from the tv music channel or how about leaving music class on Valentine's day and Milo spots on his own....a penny. I told him what a great valentine from Lola. Love.
I recall how days dragged on after she passed....some I thought would never end. It's another step for us. This chapter of life brings so much joy and absolute craziness but I wouldn't change it for the world. and Lola is still part of it. She is my daughter, she's my angel and we are all in it together. We are family....Taking a moment everyday to remember Lola and hoping you can find time to say "hello" to her too....or other special angels in your life.

Love- mother of an angel