Friday, June 16, 2017

94 Months

This month we lost one of the greatest women in my life, I was lucky enough to call her my grandmother, Marilynn Heimer.  This was Lola's great grandmother who crocheted her signature flower caps. The pictures of Lola in these are some of my favorite, and now when I look at them I will have two reasons to smile and remember those beautiful souls. After Lola passed my grandmother crocheted the same hats to donate to the hospital, and of course I saved a couple of my own, now I consider them treasures. She was such a wonderful, strong individual and now Lola gets to enjoy time with her but the world sure is missing them both!

The cycle of life.... I sure have learned a lot about it. I watched my children play and run in the cemetery, as we were burying my grandmother's ashes....She would have smiled and told us,"let them be." In fact we all chuckled as we looked over at them. Life is about change, adapting to change and learning how to move on but without forgetting, because i believe the ones we loose shape our lives. Maybe they teach us to live everyday like it is our last or to enjoy the simplest of things.

I wish I could hug them all one more time, tell them I love them but I hope they already know. It is never easy to say good bye.


The Mother of an Angel