Friday, March 16, 2018

103 Months

I have this amazing doctor in Sarasota, she is so kind and sweet. After my check up last week, she sat and asked me questions about Lola. From what was her name to I bet you think about her everyday. She shared some stories about her  sister who lost a baby to SIDS and most recently a mother here that had twins and died a week later from a blood clot at home. Her point being sometimes these things just don’t make sense and it’s just shitty. At that moment,  I was amazed at how emotional I still get talking about Lola, maybe because no one really asks anymore. It was refreshing for her to say that and to care. As she walked out the door and said, “See you next year,....she added “ always keep her memory alive.” I smiled and thought of this blog and my daily prayers for Lola. Under my breath I muttered , “I will.”

The Mother of an Angel