Monday, November 16, 2020

135 Months

        I have a paper clip that has been sitting in my bathroom since March. It is my reminder to " keep it together." Keep it together...what a thought! I can think of so many times in my life where things have been far from this. Emotions, life,  you name it can all take over and make us feel like we have somewhat lost control. We lost the wheel. I felt that way with Lola. I still feel that way with her. It was just out of our hands. There was nothing I could do to keep it together.  I probably needed the paper clip reminder then more than I do now.  I am going to keep my paperclip around for awhile. It is a good way to let me know the things I can control in my own life- love, self- control, patience, peace. I guess pretty much every fruit of the spirit. Sometimes it is okay to not keep it together too, it is this thing little thing we call life. 


The Mother of an Angel