Thursday, March 16, 2017

91 Months

After returning from another wonderful trip at Disney, I do believe it maybe the most magical place. Everything about it is almost perfect, an escape from reality. On our last visit we tossed pennies into the small world ride for Lola.  Each time we went on that ride I wondered  if the Lola pennies were still there...there are literally hunderends of coins tossed by others. Some of these coins have even made there way onto  the carpet by the performing dolls and you have to wonder how long they have been there. I always think maybe this would have been one of Lola's favorite rides...for some reason I like it. It reminds me of the wind up musical glass figurines my grandmother bought me on special occasions. I remember thinking how magical they were as a child, a little girl's dream. I even managed to keep one through all these years and moves, when you wind it up, it still moves in a circle and plays a little tune.  I would have loved to share it with Lola....

But on this trip we found two in our hotel room and one at the Lego store. Not pennies but they still felt special. I told Milo Lola was really rooting for him to get a new Lego set! And that is  the everyday magic from an angel or our special angel, Lola.  I just feel she is always with us....

Lots of Love and Have a magical day! 

The mother of an angel