Wednesday, November 16, 2011

27 months

It is hard to believe the holiday season is upon us already...hard to believe it is 27 months for Lola. The holidays aren't quite how they used to be. There still is the spirit of Christmas, but it is a time also where we miss even more the ones we love that are in heaven. Though I constantly have to remind myself that Lola is with us, just not the way we want her to be. That is the hardest part about this otherwise joyous season.

I look forward to putting up our angel tree. I love hearing the Christmas carols with the word angels in it. I enjoy seeing angels in store displays.
It will be fun to find our special angel ornament for 2011, I already have my eye on one!!!

We miss Lola so much....we pray for her everynight and extra special prayers always on the 16th. I always ask God to give her extra hugs on this day.

Much Love.