Friday, September 16, 2016

85 Months

second grade...

It's hard to believe that Lola would be a second grader, the things we have missed. This time of year seems to be focused around school: getting into a routine, packing lunches, setting alarms, making new friends, and homework.  As mothers it's watching our kids grow up in a blink of an eye and seeing them wave good bye to you as they head into school with a smile. Maybe it's also called letting go...

That is probably the hardest part with Lola, it's hard to let go. It seems unfair because I still want to have those first days of school with her and the first "everything." But we can't and still every school year I always think what grade she would be in or how Milo could have his big sister with him in the mornings as they head to class. I know she still watches over him.

We did have a little part of Lola today at Milo's kindergarten teddy bear picnic, actually Lola bear ( a bear from Lola's nursery) came along and snowball. It was fun to have lunch with the boys and all Milo's classmates. I glimpsed at that bear so many times and it made me think of her, kind of like she was enjoying the festivities with us, she is always part of our family. It was a good feeling and it is heartwarming that the boys enjoy that bear and love to play with it because it is one special angel bear.

The mother of an angel