Saturday, October 16, 2010

14 Months to Lola

Hard to believe 14 months has gone by...

The last couple days I have found my mind wandering...sitting, thinking...wondering if Lola were with us what she would look like, what fun little behaviors and quirks she would have. My imagination revolving around if she were here. It is hard to say outloud and just as hard to write.

I often think people may look at JP and I and think we are moving on, in fact if you just met us over the course of the last couple months you may not even know our Lola or her story. The thing is, I don't think you ever move on. Sure you learn to deal with everyday life and tasks, go with the motions. But still something is never right, something is always missing, something is just never's Lola. So waking up in the morning to say hello to her is sad and happy all over again...

Yesterday was the Wave of Light, our candles blazed bright for that hour. Actually our house was completely dark and quiet, except her little light.
I thank those that also did this for her, it means so much to JP and I. Any little way we can keep her memory alive. I am sure she was with us all.

Happy 14 Months Miss Lola!