Tuesday, June 16, 2015

70 Months

I often hear the comment, " you look like your mom"....and then when we saw Lola everyone said she looked like her Dad. Then you hear Milo and Finley look like twins. It is interesting how different people view your children and who they look like or what side of the family. As Finley will quickly be approaching his first birthday I feel as I see more Lola in him than ever. Maybe it's the cheeks or his facial structure but something inside me says Lola. I guess you could say that Milo, Finley and Lola all have a little bit of each other in them...as their mother I have to report that they are the absolute cutest. It is hard not to know the color of Lola's eyes or even know what color her hair may have changed to... Would it be thick, curly..would she be tall...the list is endless. In my mind I just picture this beautiful little baby that I got the pleasure to hold and see 5.5 years ago. She will always be my little baby girl and angel, for that I am blessed. 


Mother of an Angel