Monday, December 16, 2013

52 Months

It's that time of the year...houses are sparkling with holiday lights, poinsettias are lined up on front porches and Lola's angel tree is lighting up our house. It is in fact my most favorite time of the year! 62 dazzling angels hang from this tree, amazing how the collection has grown through out the years. From angel ornaments that I inherited from my Grandmother to our newest addition this year of a happy little angel girl in a green dress and bright yellow shoes. One glance at this ornament and it does make you smile- it's contagious. Each angel represents Lola's memory and an everyday reminder of what this season should really be about, love. The love we have for our family and friends. The love we have for those that are no longer with us. I feel blessed for these Lola memories we can make each holiday season....

"And I need a little angel sitting on my shoulder." That's exactly what I hope we have, a little Lola watching over us and sitting on our shoulders! "Need a little Christmas now....."

Merry Christmas!

The mother of an angel