Thursday, April 16, 2020

128 Months

 Sometimes we need to see the good in bad. Sometimes we need to not sweat the small stuff. Sometimes we just need a good cry. Those are words to live by right now. For a long time and still, I struggle with seeing any good that came from loosing Lola. There really is nothing...I don’t believe it was her time, I don’t think she was better off in heaven, but I don’t have all the answers either. She did bring such light to focusing on the positives things in life. I often tell people when something is going wrong, “it could be worse.” I am sure that could be borderline annoying, but isn’t that the truth? Right now we are all living in a time that we never imagined. That’s where I challenge anyone who is reading this to see the good in the bad. Not to sweat the small stuff, but always give yourself  the chance for an ugly cry. When it may seem like this will never end... close your eyes and picture Lola. It will be okay, because things could always be worse. I love that she is the “light” of my life!

God Bless and Love,

The mother of an Angel