Friday, August 16, 2024

180 Months

        Things change, life changes, times change...I usually spend Lola's birthday feeling like I can't face the world, it is too much. Today, was different as I spent the day with 40 kindergarteres during their first week of school. I dreaded it but their smiles and hugs made the day feel a little better. I wish I could have seen Lola's first day of kindergarten and this year her first year of hight school. There are so many missed moments. It hurts, it hurts to let her go. I woke up last Saturday at around the time she was born in a complete panic, loosing Lola and the grief never goes away. 

        We have been trying to do random acts of kindness in her memory the last couple weeks. Finley bought two books and left them in librarian's mailbox today before school. We purchased a giving tree for Bookworm Gardens, bags of candy for middle school student rewards, school supplies for those in need...little things to make others smile and honor Lola's memory. Every year we pick up a beautiful bouquet of light pink roses, but Finley insisted on the hot pink roses today. So a new tradition is all about change. 

       Happy 15th Birthday to sweet Lola Grace Doepke! The hardest thing in life is to let people we love go but she is with us I know...


The Mother of an Angel

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