Wednesday, March 16, 2016

79 Months

As I pulled the sheets tightly around the crib mattress tonight I thought to myself  all the different "hats" this bed has been.  It started out as Lola's bed, our first big baby purchase. It had a green polka dot sheet, a baby blue quilt with yellow and green flowers because I refused to fall into the pink genre with her room. It moved from San Antonio to California. We set up her room again, the same sheets, the same quilt and waited her arrival....

It stayed that way for awhile but Lola never came home. I left the sheets and quilt until one day I just started packing everything up in these blue plastic bins and there it sat. The crib sat empty and bare.
It's amazing the obstacles you have to overcome when you face the death of a baby. I still came home to a nursery, a crib, baby clothes but we just didn't have our Lola.

All these years later, the crib reinvented itself. It became Milo's tropical oasis and journeyed to Key West. It even became a toddler bed and then back to the crib for Finley. It now has green alligators on the crib sheet. It changed, we isn't so empty anymore. It still is Lola's crib. I still can close my eyes and see it adorned with the flowers. I still can close my eyes and picture holding her. The crib is a great memory.

Love - the mother of an angel

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