Monday, November 16, 2015

75 Months

There are a million reasons to be thankful....every time around this year I always think to myself that I will start a handwritten list of things I am thankful for, because there must be a million and one things to express our gratitude for.  A list that on a "not so good" day may make you realize all the treasures we really do have. Maybe starting in 2016 I will start a daily thankful list, it maybe neat to just see what a whole 365 days of being thankful can bring.

I clearly remember my first Thanksgiving after Lola left us. JP was working that day and I recall sitting on this wooden deck off our room. It was a bright and sunny day. I sat there and I read and read for hours on this white plastic chair.  A Chicken Soup for the Soul book and Christmas Box, in fact The Christmas Box is the only book I still have kept in my nightstand for all these years and it's enclosed with a free hug coupon from my grandma. Yes some of the best things in life are free... Hugs are definitely one of them!

So this Thanksgiving I do have a million reasons to be thankful-all the way from Lola to Milo and to I am ready and excited for my 365 day challenge ( starting in  2016) and I think a re-read of the Christmas Box is on my to do list. A story of hope and enduring love...a perfect story to head into the holidays.


Mother of an Angel-

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