Monday, January 16, 2012

29 Months

The holiday season is offically over. Decorations are taken down, put away in anticiaption of next year. Sometimes it is the getting "excited" over things that is the best the countdown until a good vacation, the start of your favorite tv show or even a birthday. There is such a hype. I guess we anticipate the things we love most...

There was a lot of anticipation for us this month. Lola's story arrived on newstands over the Monterey Peninsula the week of Jan.9. The thought of thousands of people reading her story brings tears to my eyes. I have always said and will say it until the day I die, that keeping Lola's memory alive is one of the most important things in my life. Part of the reason I blog on the 16th of each month. A time to sit and reflect, a time for little Lola. It takes only a few minutes to read "pennies from heaven" but can teach you life lessons in those few paragraphs.

1. Don't Sweat the Small Stuff
2. Count your Blessings
3. Never stop dreaming
4. Love-LOVE-love
5. Cherish the time you have with your loved ones- family and friends are everything

I could keep going on and on with lessons Lola has taught me and our family. It was defintely an emotional process being interviewed, sharing your darkest hours with a stranger. But someone once told me that part of the grieiving process is to tell your story at least 100 times...well take that times 10 or more. So in a way this article was a blessing.

I am always proud and lucky to be Lola's mom. I will cherish the time we did have together and the opportuntiy to kiss her sweet forehead and tell her I love her. Face to face.

Life goes on...that is the hard part.

But we never yes pennies from heaven are smiles from angels.
Especially the cute little angel with the flowered hat!!!

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