Monday, May 16, 2011

21 Months

The number keeps on getting higher and higher...

Tonight I turned on a small silver lamp in our seems to really illuminate the tiny area of our upstairs built-in. Directly below this lamp, graces pictures of Lola and her beautiful footprints. "Lola, In our hearts forever." In our hearts, in our daily thoughts, in the beauty of nature...whatever sparks your mind of her. The light just seemed to shine a little brighter tonight...

There are so many things that are Lola to me...when the sun glares of the ocean waters, a color butterfly, a rainbow, a glowing star, songs/music/lyrics, pennies. It is so important to take those moments in, those are the "L-moments."

Milo played with a little girl exactly Lola's age at birthday party we attended a couple weeks back. It was such a surreal moment for me, in a perfect world that would be our life, perfect playing together. Though she can't be with us here on earth, I do believe she is always watching over us from heaven. Maybe she sings with us at night before mi's bed time....twinkle twinkle little star...

Sweet Dreams.

1 comment:

  1. Kim, we still follow your Lola-journey every month. We look forward to your posts. It gives us yet another reason to talk about Lola and either smile or shed a tear with you guys. We think about your family of 4 ALL of the time. You are an amazing writing and an amazing, strong mother. Your story will continue to inspire us.

    The bedtime song twinkle twinkle little star will take on a new meaning for the Leis family tonight. Sweet dreams, little Lola.

    xxoo, Lora
