Monday, November 1, 2010

Big Sister....

Lola has taught me so much in life...she has changed our lives.

She has made me appreciate the small things, give with all our hearts, and to be kind and patient with others...and that everyday is a gift from God.

She has also taught me to dream a little dream and no matter what to always keep the faith.

So as our lives change daily, I always know my little girl is smiling down from heaven, it is a great to have an angel by my side always.

I don't know what the future will bring but tommorow is a day I know that Lola will be with us.

In my heart, I know she is so excited to be a big sister and overjoyed! She sent me those pennies, I just know it!

We love you Lola, always my baby girl and firstborn child.

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