Tuesday, August 16, 2022

156 Months

     Thirteen., the age Lola would have turned today. Priceless, the words written on the tag of the pink roses we purchased for her. Sad, the feeling that still has not gone away after all these years. I wish in a perfect world we could celebrate her birthday in a more "normal way."  Instead, every year on August 16th I try to find joy and some peace in keeping her memory alive and honoring her.  We donated fitted crisp white twin bedsheets, pink plush towels, dryer sheets, and lemonade packets to the Salvation Army in Lola's memory. I got sweet notes of others doing random acts of kindness in her memory too. The rose attached to her name at Shaw Park in Sheboygan, coffee for a stranger, popsicles at the bus stop, and a beer for the guy next to a friend on an airplane. We brought our five pink roses to the Celebration Memorial Garden and placed them next to statue of the little girl. Jp placed his rose in her hand, it was beautiful. At the end of the day, we lit her candle. Milo said Grandpa probably had a great birthday with Lola because we know how much he loves birthdays! I hope that is true. Happy Birthday Sweet Lola.


The Mother of an Angel