Yesterday we celebrated the Wave of Light, that special hour each year where any baby gone too soon is remembered. We have used the same candle for the past twelve years for Lola. I remember it sitting on the fire place mantel in California the first year and now sitting in my grandmother's crystal candle holder. The Wave of Light falls on my grandmother's birthday, I think it is special. Maybe she was the first one to meet Lola and welcome her to heaven... The boys made luminary bags for Lola this, hand drawn angels and hearts, it was so heart felt and precious. We were also blessed with finding a penny yesterday. It has been a long time! It was also the perfect day to discover a Lola treasure. Finley placed it right next to her candle last night. We miss Lola everyday, every hour, every minute....I hope the pink sky last night at sunset was one of her angel signs to us.
The Mother of an Angel