The sun is finally out today and it feels so good. After a few days of rain and gloomy skies, it is nice to be outside and feel its warmth and happiness. The sun makes me smile. Milo made me smile. He gave me such a beautiful Lola moment. Starting out his school year remote, he was working on a getting to know you assignment to share with his new classmates. He came up to me after school one day and whispered in my ear, "Mom, I put I have no sisters and no dog but I know Lola is my sister and Louie is my dog. It is hard to explain to new friends." It made my heartbreak, as I held back my tears. Of course I encouraged him to always do what he feels is best and they know that he loves them. Just like me. I was so proud of him in that moment, he will always be my caring, sensitive little boy. I love that he carries Louie and Lola in his heart.
The Mother of an Angel