Monday, December 16, 2019

124 Months

It is hard to believe that Christmas is right around the corner. We are into the single digit countdown at our house! I feel like we have checked most of our boxes on our holiday “to do” list, and now I am patiently awaiting for the day to sit in front of Lola’s tree and really enjoy it, slow down a bit. I love her tree. Everything about it is perfect... beautiful, shimmery, and stunning. Just as I imagine her. Though it is Lola’s tree, it also has taken on the role of a “remembrance tree” of others. Those we have lost, friendships, family, and years that have gone by. Each time we place an ornament on the tree I know who gave it to us, sometimes even  the year. It is great to think of my Mom, our grandparents, and even Louie with our special Lola  angel tradition. Holidays are hard, even 10 years later....

I am happy to report, I’m half way through my annual reading of the Christmas Box. I love that story! We also have dropped off our toys at Toys for Tots. Now, I’m just waiting to hear a bell ring....because every time a bell rings an angel gets their wings.

Happy Holidays!


The Mother of an Angel