Tuesday, April 16, 2019

116 Months

Every night I say prayers with my boys before bed.  I feel like we follow a 'prayer order," starting with themselves and going down the line. Lola is always part of our prayer line up, just maybe God can let her know we think of her and love her so much.  Milo has started to say his own prayers (he is growing up too fast), but Finley will speak up when I say, "Finley's special prayer is for...." It has been hard to watch these little boys grieve for their best buddy Louie, and their continuos request has been for him almost every night since he past. I love to think that Lola and Louie are together, maybe it just makes the pain a little less or comforts me. What we wouldn't give to have one more day, even one more hour, or minute with them....for my little boys they just want to snuggle their dog again and meet their sister. Grieving takes time, it just doesn't go away.....

the mother of an angel