Monday, July 16, 2018

107 Months

A week ago a “memory” came up on my Facebook account....nine years ago we must have been looking for place to live in Carmel. I recall it not being the easiest house hunt but I must have replied to someone how stressed I felt with the baby (Lola) on the way and wanted to be settled. I think that’s the typical feeling of  a 8.5 month pregnant lady! Now when I read that comment, I just had to laugh at myself because it was so minute in the grand scheme of things. Lola could have come to her first home being a Hyatt hotel and it wouldn’t have  mattered. Lola never got to come home with us from the hospital so her nursery or anything wasn’t really important. Sometimes stress and worry just consume us and for all the wrong reasons....I wish I could have had a little more time enjoying the end of my pregnancy with Lola. We did end up finding a place to live in Pacific Grove, two blocks from the ocean and it ended up being my healing spot. Walking and sitting on the same bench everyday for doesn’t matter where you live, what house you live in, it just matters that you are with the people you love and make you happy.

Love you Lola!
The Mother of an Angel