Thursday, November 16, 2017

99 Months

Finely and I picked out a little Christmas angel today for Lola. The funny thing about this ornamnet is, it's not perfect.  It maybe shaped a little funny at the bottom and Finley referred to it as "broken." I guess we could have easily picked another one but I felt like this needed to be on our tree, just the way it is.  It reminds me that just like our lives, there will always be imperfections. I sometimes close my eyes and think of this journey, my personal life journey. I feel like I somehow must have done something terribly wrong to endure the losses and struggles  we have. And then sometimes a smile on my boy's face or a day of health can remind me of some of my incredible blessings too, it's that friendly reminder that things could always be worse.

This angel was a perfect reminder of that today for me and as we walked out of the store Finely said "Mom, what's next on the list?" My heart said so much much more.....

The mother of an angel