71 Angels is the count for this year's annual Lola tree. Each unique, precious and special as she. This tree has become one of our most favorite traditions. As you enter our house that little angel on the top of the tree gleams, while the others sparkle and shimmer off the white lights. There are even some angels that are so "childlike" and cheerful they almost bring a smile to,your face. Her tree gives me the time and place to stop for a moment and think of her... The Lola Angel Tree. We appreciate and cherish each angel we receive from others and every year when we take out the angels, I am reminded of all those that love and carry on this tradition with us. It truly is special....
Merry Christmas to all! May you find yourselves making snow/sand angels and every time you hear a bell this season, let's dream another angel has gotten their wings! Love to Lola.
Mother of an Angel
Ps.- I found a penny today!
Tuesday, December 16, 2014
Sunday, November 16, 2014
63 Months
Whenever we see an angel, Milo's instant response is...."there is Lola." I have learned in a four year olds eyes to him churches and any angel, is in fact his sister. It is so pure and innocent. My grandmother always sends mail adorned with angel stickers, Milo always exclaims " lola stickers!" A recent card birthday card from our church, was yes from Lola! Those are Milo's way of celebrating his special angel above and I believe and am hopeful she is watching over him every step of the way....We did actually receive one piece of mail for Miss Lola Grace Doepke this week. JP had registered her name from previous donations of all her baby items, and now we are giving all our baby boy items to this special organization as well. So thank you Lola for your generous donation of 0-3 month baby boy clothing. That has to make you smile, I recall picking up that piece of mail and just grinning ear to ear. It reads, " you have greatly assisted in our mission to promote and enhance the safety, well being and development of children by educating, supporting and meeting the needs of families. Your continued support is deeply appreciated." This letter is a perfect addition to her angel book. I hope we have the chance to get more Lola mail like this in the future and can't wait for the next time Milo has his Lola spotting.
It's the simple and little things I have learned to cherish. ...
Mother of an Angel
It's the simple and little things I have learned to cherish. ...
Mother of an Angel
Thursday, October 16, 2014
62 Months
It's the sixth year we have participated in the International Wave of Light Ceremony. It's the sixth year we have used the same candle. The only candle we ever use on Lola's birthday and for Wave of Light, used twice a year. It's almost like fine china! The flame is still bright but the candle is getting smaller. White and angelic, candles always seem to bring tranquility and peace to a room with their glow. I thought about all the candles shining for these little babies, somewhere way beyond the stars they are watching over us and someday we will all be reunited. Their lives like Lola's too short and so dearly missed.
Our candle traveled with us for that hour. When we first lit it, I was able to take a moment to say a prayer, say hello and run my fingers over her picture. That candle lit up my whole room. I took it with me while I bathed Finley. It made me recall lying in the hospital bed as I watched JP and the nurse give Lola a bath. I cried the whole time. JP was brave. We picked out her going home outfit from my hospital bag and dressed and combed her hair. This outfit was more like her "heaven" is my home outfit. Memories. At the end of the hour I blew out the candle, the smoke swirled in the air. It's put away now until Lola's next birthday. We still remember and cherish her everyday, she was just too special for this earth.
The Mother of an Angel
Our candle traveled with us for that hour. When we first lit it, I was able to take a moment to say a prayer, say hello and run my fingers over her picture. That candle lit up my whole room. I took it with me while I bathed Finley. It made me recall lying in the hospital bed as I watched JP and the nurse give Lola a bath. I cried the whole time. JP was brave. We picked out her going home outfit from my hospital bag and dressed and combed her hair. This outfit was more like her "heaven" is my home outfit. Memories. At the end of the hour I blew out the candle, the smoke swirled in the air. It's put away now until Lola's next birthday. We still remember and cherish her everyday, she was just too special for this earth.
The Mother of an Angel
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
61 Months
Each child has a favorite stuffed animal, sometimes one is more popular than others at times. At our house we seem to skip from "Ben" to Mickey Mouse and Lola's bear. Milo acquired this squishy brown St. Jude bear from her collection. It's always been part of his room but it's most heart warming when that one is the request for bedtime. It was from her registry, a gift and half the proceeds from the purchase went to St.Judes hospital, so it makes it even more special. After Lola passed I slept with that bear a few nights as well...I love that bear. I remember placing it in her crib in anticipation of her homecoming.
On Lola's birthday this year, we purchased our second St. Jude bear, but this is for Finley. It almost seemed that he needed a Lola bear in his room as well. This year's addition is a white fuzzy bear, white like an angel. Milo named him Snowball. He will be waiting for the day when Finley requests his Lola bear for bed...
Until then it's nice to peek at these bears in their rooms and think it is a little piece of their sister with them... Teddy Bear.
Sweet Dreams.
Mother of an Angel
Saturday, August 16, 2014
60 Months
Happy Birthday Lola- we clapped, we cried, we waved good bye...
It's hard to imagine 5 years have passed us by. Five long years without Lola. Years of imagining what she would look like, what she would love and five years of imagining how our family could be. She is always the piece that is missing, the part where as a parent you never truly feel whole. It is hard to explain but the pain and sadness does not ever go away. We may have become stronger or maybe more accepting over time but there are moments when the thought of holding her and saying good bye radiates in our mind. We never want to say good bye...
On that night of August 16th, I remember almost everything, clearly. I can play the moments over in my head. It wasn't just a bad dream, it actually was and still is our lives. I always want Lola's day to be full of happiness and joy even though that is sometimes hard. I want Milo and Finley to be able to celebrate their sister. We should remember how blessed we were to hold this little angel, see her gorgeous face and hold her hand. We are still her parents, still her family.
Today we did celebrate. An ice cream sundae with chocolate sprinkles and a pink lit candle. We sang at the top of our lungs and clapped for her. We followed with our yearly tradition of the balloons to heaven, five this year and each with a special message. Milo of course drew his signature smiley face for his sister, he was most proud and a little teary to let that one go. There were rain clouds in the distance and it made for a picturesque setting on the beach, almost magical. The water was still and calm as we threw one pink rose to sea...
Last month I knew things would be a little busier with the arrival of Lola's newest brother, Finley. Now I know everyone says he looks just like Milo, but there are some pictures where Finn looks just like his big sister. I love these three. We will always be a family of six, my forever family. We purchased a fund a foot at bookworm gardens in Lola's honor of her special day, it will be hung in September and inscribed with "Our Angel, Lola Grace." It is such a child centered spot, full of kids running and playing...a perfect way to celebrate her 5th birthday and give back.
I'm always amazed and grateful for all the kind notes, cards, charity donations in Lola's honor and beautiful orchid we received today. It always warms my heart when she is remembered. Though we will never get the chance to watch her grow here in earth, I'm sure she has an amazing soul- full of love. She's an angel.
I'm about to blow out her candle that has lit up my room in her memory. She is always missed and always near....we love you lola!
It's hard to imagine 5 years have passed us by. Five long years without Lola. Years of imagining what she would look like, what she would love and five years of imagining how our family could be. She is always the piece that is missing, the part where as a parent you never truly feel whole. It is hard to explain but the pain and sadness does not ever go away. We may have become stronger or maybe more accepting over time but there are moments when the thought of holding her and saying good bye radiates in our mind. We never want to say good bye...
On that night of August 16th, I remember almost everything, clearly. I can play the moments over in my head. It wasn't just a bad dream, it actually was and still is our lives. I always want Lola's day to be full of happiness and joy even though that is sometimes hard. I want Milo and Finley to be able to celebrate their sister. We should remember how blessed we were to hold this little angel, see her gorgeous face and hold her hand. We are still her parents, still her family.
Today we did celebrate. An ice cream sundae with chocolate sprinkles and a pink lit candle. We sang at the top of our lungs and clapped for her. We followed with our yearly tradition of the balloons to heaven, five this year and each with a special message. Milo of course drew his signature smiley face for his sister, he was most proud and a little teary to let that one go. There were rain clouds in the distance and it made for a picturesque setting on the beach, almost magical. The water was still and calm as we threw one pink rose to sea...
Last month I knew things would be a little busier with the arrival of Lola's newest brother, Finley. Now I know everyone says he looks just like Milo, but there are some pictures where Finn looks just like his big sister. I love these three. We will always be a family of six, my forever family. We purchased a fund a foot at bookworm gardens in Lola's honor of her special day, it will be hung in September and inscribed with "Our Angel, Lola Grace." It is such a child centered spot, full of kids running and playing...a perfect way to celebrate her 5th birthday and give back.
I'm always amazed and grateful for all the kind notes, cards, charity donations in Lola's honor and beautiful orchid we received today. It always warms my heart when she is remembered. Though we will never get the chance to watch her grow here in earth, I'm sure she has an amazing soul- full of love. She's an angel.
I'm about to blow out her candle that has lit up my room in her memory. She is always missed and always near....we love you lola!
Wednesday, July 16, 2014
59 Months
In Florida we have rainy summers. It comes and goes. It drizzles and pours. The lightning and thunder make remarkable scenery and sounds. Milo tells me that it comes from the angels and Lola. I can only wonder when a 3.5 year old stares up at the sky and wonders in amazement how this is occurring....His answer is simple, "heaven & Lola." I always tell him they are happy tears from the sky because all the angels feel excited for him. The thunder is them playing.....I love the imagination of children. Milo is too little to know Lola is his big sister or know the feeling of that loss for now, but the way he associates his sister with churches, pennies, angels and the weather makes it feel a little more like she's watching him grow up.
In two weeks from today we are praying for another safe and healthy arrival of a little boy to add to this Doepke clan. Milo gets to be that big brother now....he's very excited and sweet. When I get the chance to cuddle and hug him these last few weeks, I wonder how things will change. It's this amazing bond and love, he's just the best little boy ...but then yesterday I realized it's never been just him and I. We aren't alone. Hopefully on each litle adventure and journey we go on, Lola's watching or Louie's always around following our footsteps. It's a good feeling. There is so much love to go around and share, we are simply growing....
That's not the only thing growing but my stomach is too, along with the need for strangers to ask what are you having seems to happen all the time. I don't know how many times I've heard, " oh two boys, you will try a third time." Little do they know our life is complete. I have a little girl. I've bought the dresses, I've decorated a girly nursery...I'm completely happy and content with having a house of boys and an angel above. It is what we carry in our hearts and knowing that all that truly matters is a healthy child. Going back to the beginning of my blogs and angel journey....I think God gives us in life what we can handle or learn to handle, through and with him. We are blessed to be parents a fourth time ( don't forget Louie- he's my first!). That's what we call a wonderful life....
Lola's Mom
In two weeks from today we are praying for another safe and healthy arrival of a little boy to add to this Doepke clan. Milo gets to be that big brother now....he's very excited and sweet. When I get the chance to cuddle and hug him these last few weeks, I wonder how things will change. It's this amazing bond and love, he's just the best little boy ...but then yesterday I realized it's never been just him and I. We aren't alone. Hopefully on each litle adventure and journey we go on, Lola's watching or Louie's always around following our footsteps. It's a good feeling. There is so much love to go around and share, we are simply growing....
That's not the only thing growing but my stomach is too, along with the need for strangers to ask what are you having seems to happen all the time. I don't know how many times I've heard, " oh two boys, you will try a third time." Little do they know our life is complete. I have a little girl. I've bought the dresses, I've decorated a girly nursery...I'm completely happy and content with having a house of boys and an angel above. It is what we carry in our hearts and knowing that all that truly matters is a healthy child. Going back to the beginning of my blogs and angel journey....I think God gives us in life what we can handle or learn to handle, through and with him. We are blessed to be parents a fourth time ( don't forget Louie- he's my first!). That's what we call a wonderful life....
Lola's Mom
Monday, June 16, 2014
58 Months
Sometimes we just need to embrace what life hands us...
I was thinking of all the times we "dream" up these so called perfect plans and how we would love to see things play out as we expect or wish. Isn't it funny though how things do turn out in the end, we learn to handle situations, deal with disappointment and even grow as human beings. I guess that's life, it doesn't pay to stomp your feet rather flow with life's directions.
I've been "flowing" for 58 months, and boy does that number sound big! The only way I know how to flow with this current of Lola is to still talk about her- she's part of my heart and family forever. Like when I found 8 pennies after Milo's end of the school year party, I instantly told my friends walking with me, "Lola pennies" because that's me. When a friend addresses a card to your whole family and includes Lola, that makes you smile. I still sign Jp's birthday card with all his children's names, I teased him that was a lot of names! I always tell people I have a girl and boy if they ask...It's the little everyday things to include her in. I know she's not here, I know people don't physically see me with a little girl walking around the island or at the park but she's in my heart and mind running in circles all day long. We are always together.
It's really the littlest things that sometimes make the biggest difference in angel parents...and for angel parents our plans didn't go as we expected. I'm going with that "flow," figuring out still what's my next path in this journey of loosing your child. It's not the easiest but we are still growing in love and peace.
Lola's Mom
I was thinking of all the times we "dream" up these so called perfect plans and how we would love to see things play out as we expect or wish. Isn't it funny though how things do turn out in the end, we learn to handle situations, deal with disappointment and even grow as human beings. I guess that's life, it doesn't pay to stomp your feet rather flow with life's directions.
I've been "flowing" for 58 months, and boy does that number sound big! The only way I know how to flow with this current of Lola is to still talk about her- she's part of my heart and family forever. Like when I found 8 pennies after Milo's end of the school year party, I instantly told my friends walking with me, "Lola pennies" because that's me. When a friend addresses a card to your whole family and includes Lola, that makes you smile. I still sign Jp's birthday card with all his children's names, I teased him that was a lot of names! I always tell people I have a girl and boy if they ask...It's the little everyday things to include her in. I know she's not here, I know people don't physically see me with a little girl walking around the island or at the park but she's in my heart and mind running in circles all day long. We are always together.
It's really the littlest things that sometimes make the biggest difference in angel parents...and for angel parents our plans didn't go as we expected. I'm going with that "flow," figuring out still what's my next path in this journey of loosing your child. It's not the easiest but we are still growing in love and peace.
Lola's Mom
Friday, May 16, 2014
57 Months
Letting Go...
It's been a month of change it seems and sometimes embracing it is the hardest thing. We've been clearing rooms, cleaning closets, organizing and organizing.... For almost 5 years we have kept all Lola's things. Clothes, bibs, blankets, toys, bedding...it just always seemed to hard to part with, it felt like it was a part of her with us. As we started pulling apart these overflowing boxes of items, we knew it was time to "let it go" and hopefully bring some happiness to others with it. My heart was broken as I tearfully folded each clothing or item to be placed into boxes and bags for new homes. It was what I felt I had left of our dreams for her....so with that in the back of my mind, I saved myself a dream box. Jp and I each picked out a few things we each wanted to keep, things that will always make us smile when we glance at it, just our little piece of Lola.
I learned a hard lesson that week that they were just "things" and I'll always have the memories but most importantly the love, no one can ever take that away....
Surprisingly, it was actually a great feeling to donate a majority of her items to the Wesley House in Key West. They were so grateful and happy, that's what Lola would have wanted. We received a kind letter from them expressing their gratitude and I will definitely place that in her baby book, it's keeping her memory alive. We were able to share other items with one of our dear friends, who sends me pictures of her daughter in Lola gear or playing with Lola blankets. It honestly makes my heart smile. It didn't do any good collecting dust and now Lola can smile down on us knowing she spread some cheer and love, because of course that's what angels do.
It's amazing how we are still learning to be these parents of an angel... One day at a time, never forgetting.
Lots of Love-
Lola's Mommy
It's been a month of change it seems and sometimes embracing it is the hardest thing. We've been clearing rooms, cleaning closets, organizing and organizing.... For almost 5 years we have kept all Lola's things. Clothes, bibs, blankets, toys, bedding...it just always seemed to hard to part with, it felt like it was a part of her with us. As we started pulling apart these overflowing boxes of items, we knew it was time to "let it go" and hopefully bring some happiness to others with it. My heart was broken as I tearfully folded each clothing or item to be placed into boxes and bags for new homes. It was what I felt I had left of our dreams for her....so with that in the back of my mind, I saved myself a dream box. Jp and I each picked out a few things we each wanted to keep, things that will always make us smile when we glance at it, just our little piece of Lola.
I learned a hard lesson that week that they were just "things" and I'll always have the memories but most importantly the love, no one can ever take that away....
Surprisingly, it was actually a great feeling to donate a majority of her items to the Wesley House in Key West. They were so grateful and happy, that's what Lola would have wanted. We received a kind letter from them expressing their gratitude and I will definitely place that in her baby book, it's keeping her memory alive. We were able to share other items with one of our dear friends, who sends me pictures of her daughter in Lola gear or playing with Lola blankets. It honestly makes my heart smile. It didn't do any good collecting dust and now Lola can smile down on us knowing she spread some cheer and love, because of course that's what angels do.
It's amazing how we are still learning to be these parents of an angel... One day at a time, never forgetting.
Lots of Love-
Lola's Mommy
Wednesday, April 16, 2014
56 Months
Today Milo and I lit a small candle at the church on Duval street for Lola. It was precious watching him diligently slip our donation into the slot and grab the long wooden match. Of course he wanted to light the candle and with Mom's help, we gracefully had it flickering. I whispered, "I love you and Milo whispered the same. He's makes my heart melt, it's a nice feeling knowing that candle was just for her today. Maybe every tourist that walks in and admires the beautiful church will look at all those candles at the front of the sanctuary and smile or be in awe, the one at the bottom is Lola Grace's!
Very surprisingly last week we received a piece of mail for Lola, it kind of makes you stop a moment and pause, it happens very rarely. It's ironic because it was from one of my favorite stores, with a coupon! Her way of saying- " Mom, please just buy Milo that bedroom furniture- stop debating, this is your sign" or direct hint from his sister angel... It made JP and I smile, of course we had to do it. Now I will think of Lola every time I see his new bedroom set! I'll never stop looking for signs or pennies...
Happy Easter Friends!
Love- the mother of an angel
Very surprisingly last week we received a piece of mail for Lola, it kind of makes you stop a moment and pause, it happens very rarely. It's ironic because it was from one of my favorite stores, with a coupon! Her way of saying- " Mom, please just buy Milo that bedroom furniture- stop debating, this is your sign" or direct hint from his sister angel... It made JP and I smile, of course we had to do it. Now I will think of Lola every time I see his new bedroom set! I'll never stop looking for signs or pennies...
Happy Easter Friends!
Love- the mother of an angel
Sunday, March 16, 2014
55 Months
I often think to myself, "wouldn't it be great to win the lottery?" Then the endless imagination flows of what and where you could go if you won...maybe it would be nice. Or then again maybe I've already won the lottery but in a different way. I have a beautiful daughter who I was lucky enough to hold, see and who taught me more about life and gratitude than you can imagine. I have a son who lights up every room he walks into with his smile and taught us how to love. A husband, who I hate to brag but honestly maybe the best husband/ best friend out there. My dog always knows when I need extra kisses and snuggles and my family and friends are beyond supportive. Wow- I have won some type of lottery or I just feel blessed.
I'm sure i did not feel this way after Lola passed. It was hard to see any good in something so tragic...it was easy to just be negative and sad about everything. It was okay to feel that way. As we grow and life keeps moving forwards it's going to be my personal mission to find the good in the bad. If I think it's a bad day, well maybe I can be grateful for the sunshine and ocean breezes. Maybe it's the little things or the littlest people that teach us the most.
Mother of an Angel
I'm sure i did not feel this way after Lola passed. It was hard to see any good in something so tragic...it was easy to just be negative and sad about everything. It was okay to feel that way. As we grow and life keeps moving forwards it's going to be my personal mission to find the good in the bad. If I think it's a bad day, well maybe I can be grateful for the sunshine and ocean breezes. Maybe it's the little things or the littlest people that teach us the most.
Mother of an Angel
Sunday, February 16, 2014
54 Months
Good Byes.
Why are they always so hard? There are the day to day good byes, the see you soon good byes,the "your moving" good byes, and then those what seem so permanent good byes. Some that can bring you to tears just thinking of them or anticipating the moment...
I think that is one thing I struggled the most with Lola- it was so permanent, it was real. I didn't want that good bye. I just had all these dreams of what life would be like with this little girl, it was supposed to be our new and growing family. In a way I could think how selfish of me, I loved her beyond words. Then I read this quote yesterday that really got me thinking , " Try not to focus on what you have lost but on what Lola has gained." It's still hard, still 4.5 years later but if heaven is all I hope it is- than I have to picture this smiling joyful little girl having the best days imaginable!
This morning Milo and I saw this white feather float from the sky as we were waiting outside the store, we were hand in hand. It was pretty neat to see it fall so gently- almost out of nowhere! I'm taking that as an angel sign today, and JP has found 3 pennies in the last week as well. Those little things make me feel like I haven't lost Lola, she just gets to "talk" to us in other ways.
Why are they always so hard? There are the day to day good byes, the see you soon good byes,the "your moving" good byes, and then those what seem so permanent good byes. Some that can bring you to tears just thinking of them or anticipating the moment...
I think that is one thing I struggled the most with Lola- it was so permanent, it was real. I didn't want that good bye. I just had all these dreams of what life would be like with this little girl, it was supposed to be our new and growing family. In a way I could think how selfish of me, I loved her beyond words. Then I read this quote yesterday that really got me thinking , " Try not to focus on what you have lost but on what Lola has gained." It's still hard, still 4.5 years later but if heaven is all I hope it is- than I have to picture this smiling joyful little girl having the best days imaginable!
This morning Milo and I saw this white feather float from the sky as we were waiting outside the store, we were hand in hand. It was pretty neat to see it fall so gently- almost out of nowhere! I'm taking that as an angel sign today, and JP has found 3 pennies in the last week as well. Those little things make me feel like I haven't lost Lola, she just gets to "talk" to us in other ways.
Thursday, January 16, 2014
53 Months
Our lives are ever changing, sometimes I wish we could just have that moment where time stands still...We could take a big fresh breath of happiness and joy- whatever it maybe on that certain day or time. I could think of so many of those times I would love to relive- feel it, smell it, be in that moment. Our wedding, a tropical vacation, a summer day at Lake Michigan, an ice cream from the ice cream truck as a kid, a late night coffee meet up with my favorite girls, the day I saw Lola for the first time, hearing Milo's cries and seeing his beautiful smile, Louie's puppy age, Christmas Eve at my grandparents, meeting JP. The list could go on and on, the good times. Thank goodness for the memories, those are our real life treasures. It is the pictures & blogs that help put us back in time...
I know that as the years go on there will certainly be many triumphs, happy moments and maybe even the sad days in our lives. They will come and they will go, we will survive. I feel as if the happy times keep us going and it's learning to see the good in the bad. I'm so grateful to look over my wall at night and see Lola's picture. I love her, I miss her and know there will be more happy times to come but for now I will hold onto my memories.
Love - the mother of an angel
I know that as the years go on there will certainly be many triumphs, happy moments and maybe even the sad days in our lives. They will come and they will go, we will survive. I feel as if the happy times keep us going and it's learning to see the good in the bad. I'm so grateful to look over my wall at night and see Lola's picture. I love her, I miss her and know there will be more happy times to come but for now I will hold onto my memories.
Love - the mother of an angel
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