Sunday, October 16, 2011

26 Months

Yesterday was International Wave of Light Ceremony, hard to believe this was the third time we participated in this candle lighting for Lola. When we lit our candle I thought how amazing it was that for 24 hours, around the world candles were lit for our angels. The magic in candle is captivating. It is light in the darkness. A warmness in it's glow. I think angels have a light about them....

Whenever I look at Lola's picture I see so much beauty, peacefullness and that glow about her picture. She is simply gorgeous. She is a wonderful guardian angel to our whole family, especially little Milo. Sometimes I think Milo's joyfullness comes from Lola, one thing she sure has taught him is to love life. That is what she taught matter what storms that come our way, live in the moment, treasure it always.

Happy to report Lola's pink rose bush is doing well. We were even able to cut some roses and place them by her picture last week. Warms my heart.

26 months later, Lola is with us everyday....light of our life.