Monday, September 23, 2024

181 Months

 I am pretty faithful about writing on the 16th of every month for Lola, it is time of peace and reflection for me. I feel deep down in my heart that I owe it to her to continue doing this, but quite honestly life has really gotten in the way of that lately. We all get in a rut. It didn't feel like the right time to write on the 16th or any day after that. That is just the curve balls we are thrown, though time in and out I remind myself to be thankful for health and the gift of a new day. Things will somehow eventually go uphill...The 16th of this month wasn't forgotten, neither was Lola. She is still in my nightly prayers and thoughts of how different life would be with her here in it. 


The Mother of an Angel

Friday, August 16, 2024

180 Months

        Things change, life changes, times change...I usually spend Lola's birthday feeling like I can't face the world, it is too much. Today, was different as I spent the day with 40 kindergarteres during their first week of school. I dreaded it but their smiles and hugs made the day feel a little better. I wish I could have seen Lola's first day of kindergarten and this year her first year of hight school. There are so many missed moments. It hurts, it hurts to let her go. I woke up last Saturday at around the time she was born in a complete panic, loosing Lola and the grief never goes away. 

        We have been trying to do random acts of kindness in her memory the last couple weeks. Finley bought two books and left them in librarian's mailbox today before school. We purchased a giving tree for Bookworm Gardens, bags of candy for middle school student rewards, school supplies for those in need...little things to make others smile and honor Lola's memory. Every year we pick up a beautiful bouquet of light pink roses, but Finley insisted on the hot pink roses today. So a new tradition is all about change. 

       Happy 15th Birthday to sweet Lola Grace Doepke! The hardest thing in life is to let people we love go but she is with us I know...


The Mother of an Angel

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

179 Months

  We have been away enjoying a Midwest summer trip with our family. It has been like stepping back into my childhood, kind of whimsical. So many Lola signs too...the pennies at the airport, the Lola on the Netflix account at the home we are staying at. In so many ways, she is always with us! I am anxious to visit her brick at Bookworm Gardens and plaque at the park in the next few days with the boys too. I love those sweet tributes to her and both places will be filled with children running around, smiling, and just being kids. The way it should always be...


The Mother of an Angel

Sunday, June 16, 2024

178 Months

       We have just returned from a wonderful summer vacation and Lola was not shy in leaving us signs on our journey. I came home with at least 4 pennies from heaven we had found during our trip! It is so nice to know she is with our family and each time we find one we all smile at the heavens and say "Lola penny." For that one split moment in time, it feels like she is with us. It is magical and the best feeling. Love our Lola...and the penny as our sign. 


The Mother of an Angel

Thursday, May 16, 2024

177 Months

    It is not a suprise that I am not a huge fan of Mother's Day. I count my blessings everyday for my boys but there is always the empty place in my heart for Lola and my own Mom. I often think about my first Mother's Day that was supposed to be with Lola, it was an extremley hard and very sad day. I often think it is okay to wish days like this away and what a relief it is to see the sun setting on the close of Mother's Day. We did find a penny the day before and I am taking that as a little gift from Lola. It is hard to be a mother of an angel...


Lola's Mom ( Milo and Finley's too)

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

176 Months

             I remember receiving a picture 15 years ago of this little tree planted on the Hyatt property in San Antonio for Lola. The managers stood around it trying to smile, and there was this little plaque with her name on it. Everytime JP returns there for work, I get a picture of the Lola tree. It is bigger, stronger, and more colorful now. I would best describe it as "full of life." Can you imagine the birds that have stopped there to rest and sing a song or the squirrels that have raced up an down those branches? Even the leaves that now fill it, make it look SO alive. It maybe the perfect resting spot for some shade in the hot Texas sun, each time someone would have to stop and  read "Lola's Tree." They may wonder who she is or what is the story of her tree.I could tell the story. It's about this beautiful angel who left us all too soon and reminds us in so many ways that she is always with us.


The Mother of an Angel

Saturday, March 16, 2024

175 Months

 I have said it a million times but it is amazing how angels speak to us!  I have found three pennies in the last week during spring break, I just love it.  Especially the one we found today bur Finley wanted it. He held it in his pocket all day long. When we arrived at Epcot he asked if he could throw Lola's penny out during a ride, that is a popular Disney thing to do in certain spots. Of course he could!!! So now when we ride through The Three Cabernos and see the beach towel with all the coins, we will know one belongs to Lola. It is sweet and just brings Lola closer to us during another adventure.


The Mother of an Angel